A Dream Realised: The Birth of Hervey Bay Acupuncture Clinic – Phase 1

Acupuncture practice started in Hervey Bay December 2022

It’s truly an inspiring journey that Paul embarked on to set up his acupuncture practice in Hervey Bay. The story of the Hervey Bay Acupuncture Clinic’s Phase 1 is filled with determination, vision, and a passion for Chinese medicine.

Finding the Perfect Spot

Paul’s visit to Hervey Bay was not just a casual holiday; it was a trip that ignited a dream. The beauty of Hervey Bay and its potential to offer a wholesome life for a young family caught Paul’s eye. It was during this visit that he stumbled upon the perfect clinic space in Scarness. Meeting the owner was a stroke of luck that set the wheels in motion.

Planning and Execution

Returning to Canada, Paul and his wife Jill began to shape the plan to move back to Australia. The goal was clear: a lean startup with a quick setup of a herbal dispensary, housing over 300 Chinese herbs, and running at full capacity from day one. The budget was tight, but the vision was strong.

Building the Practice

In just six months, the clinic transformed into a cosy, professional space. With relaxing music, a herbal dispensary capable of treating various health concerns, acupuncture, electroacupuncture, custom herbal formulas with professional labels, an online booking system, branded teas, epsom salts, supplements, and herbal liniments, Paul’s vision came to life.

The clinic now stands as a testament to Paul’s dedication and love for Chinese medicine. It’s not just a place for treatment; it’s a sanctuary for those seeking holistic healing.

The Future

The journey doesn’t end here. Paul has laid the foundation for his dream clinic in Hervey Bay, but there’s more to come. The future holds exciting prospects, and we can only wait with bated breath to see what Phase 2 has in store.


Paul’s story is a lesson in following one’s passion and turning dreams into reality. The Hervey Bay Acupuncture Clinic is not just a business; it’s a manifestation of love for Chinese medicine and a commitment to providing quality care. It’s a story of starting from scratch and building something beautiful. It’s about taking risks, believing in oneself, and making it happen.

Stay tuned for the next post to learn more about the future of Paul’s Chinese medicine clinic in Hervey Bay.

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