Acupuncture-Neck-Pain-Treatment Hervey Bay


Neck X-rayCervical neck pain often causes impaired movement, stiffness and pain through the neck and shoulders. This pain can be described as feeling like a pinched nerve in the neck. It maybe acute or chronic.

The main cause of neck pain from the Chinese medicine perspective is from chronically contracted muscles such as from working at a desk, improper sleeping posture and pillow height, stress and exposure to wind on the neck. From a medical perspective stiff sore neck may be due to neck muscle sprains, degenerative changes in the cervical vertebra pinching nerves in the neck.

Neck pain is a common condition that can range from a mild discomfort to a debilitating issue. It often involves soreness or stiffness in the neck, which can extend to the shoulders, upper back, and arms. This type of pain can affect anyone, regardless of age or lifestyle, though it is particularly common among people with sedentary jobs or those who engage in repetitive activities.

Statistics of Neck Pain in Australia

In Australia, neck pain is a significant health concern. According to recent data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, approximately 15% of Australians experience neck pain at any given time. This condition is one of the leading causes of disability and accounts for a substantial number of visits to healthcare professionals each year.

How Neck Pain Affects Individuals’ Quality of Life

Neck pain can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life. It can restrict movement, making daily activities like driving, working, and even sleeping difficult. Chronic neck pain often leads to fatigue, irritability, and a decrease in overall well-being. The persistent discomfort can also affect mental health, leading to anxiety and depression in some cases.

Neck Pain Hervey Bay

Acupuncture for Neck Pain

Acupuncture, a time-honoured practice rooted in Chinese medicine, offers a holistic approach to managing neck pain. By targeting specific points on the body, acupuncture aims to restore balance, enhance blood flow, and activate the body’s natural healing mechanisms. It’s a gentle, non-invasive treatment embraced by many as a natural way to alleviate tension and encourage relaxation.

Chinese Medicine meridian image

Acupuncture Neck Pain Research

Where are we currently at with acupuncture for neck pain research?

Based on the Acupuncture Evidence Project, Acupuncture has been deemed as potentially positive for treating neck pain. Below is the summary of the reviewed research:

Van der Velde 2015: A systematic review of six studies found that acupuncture, combined with usual medical care, is a cost-effective treatment for neck pain and its associated disorders (NAD). Find Abstract Here

Trinh 2016: This Cochrane review, which included 27 randomized controlled trials, concluded that acupuncture is superior to sham acupuncture or inactive treatments for pain relief at the end of treatment and during short-term follow-up. The evidence supporting these findings is of moderate quality. Additionally, combining acupuncture with medication is cost-effective and shows potential positive outcomes for NAD. Find “Acupuncture for neck disorders” abstract.

Acupuncture treatment at Li4

What Happens in an Acupuncture Treatment for Neck Pain?

During an acupuncture session for neck pain, Paul will first conduct a thorough assessment to understand your specific condition and health history. The treatment typically involves:

  1. Insertion of Needles: Fine, sterile needles are inserted into specific acupuncture points on the body. These points are chosen based on traditional Chinese medicine principles and modern anatomical knowledge.
  2. Needle Manipulation: Paul may gently manipulate the needles to enhance the therapeutic effect.
  3. Relaxation Period: You will rest with the needles in place for about 30-40 minutes. This period allows the body to respond to the stimulation.
  4. Removal of Needles: The needles are then carefully removed, and Paul may provide additional advice on posture, exercises, or lifestyle changes to help manage your neck pain.

Other Chinese Medicine Treatments for Pain

While acupuncture often receives the most attention for pain relief, other Chinese medicine treatments are also in a Chinese medicine treatment plan. During your initial consultation, we can discuss various treatments that may be included in your pain management plan, such as:

  • Electroacupuncture: Applying a small electric current to acupuncture needles to enhance the treatment’s effects.
  • Cupping: Using suction cups on the skin to improve blood flow and reduce muscle tension.
  • Massage: Therapeutic massage techniques to relieve muscle tension and improve circulation.
  • Herbal Liniments: Topical herbal remedies applied to the skin to alleviate pain and inflammation.
  • Chinese Herbs: Herbal medicine tailored to your specific condition to support overall health and pain management.
Chinese Medicine Hervey Bay. Drinking Herbs
Paul Carter’s Chinese Medicine Clinic in Hervey Bay

At Paul Carter’s Chinese Medicine Clinic in Hervey Bay, Paul specialises in acupuncture and Chinese medicine therapies tailored to your unique needs. Paul Carter is dedicated to helping you find relief and improve your quality of life. Whether you’re dealing with chronic pain, Paul is here to support you on your path to wellness.

Discover the benefits of acupuncture and take the first step towards a healthier you. Contact Paul today to book your acupuncture appointment for pain relief in Hervey Bay.

Fraser Coast Acupuncture

Your Initial Acupuncture Appointment

Making your Initial Appointment is easiest using the online booking system to the left. Simply find your appointment time and add your details.

Look out for an automated email with forms to fill in prior to your appointment.

Welcome to the Clinic

  1. Paul will go through your consultation and discuss your medical history.
  2. A treatment plan is formulated and Paul will explain the best course of action such as acupuncturecupping, electroacupuncture, heat therapyherbal medicine etc.
  3. The aim of acupuncture for pain relief is to take pain away within the treatment. Each person responds differently to the treatment so it’s best to aim for 3 sessions to see if you respond positively.
Acupuncture Clinic Scarness
Acupuncture Pain Relief Hervey Bay

Neck Pain Treatment Plan

After treatment, Paul will discuss the treatment plan and any exercises or lifestyle changes that can help you recover faster.

Book Your Appointment Now

Disclaimer: Individual Results May Vary

At Paul Carter’s Acupuncture and Herbal Clinic, Paul is dedicated to providing acupuncture and Chinese medicine for neck pain treatments. Paul is a firm believer in the potential of these ancient practices to enhance overall well-being and restore balance within the body.

However, it’s important to understand that each person is unique, and outcomes can vary significantly from one individual to another. While many have experienced relief and improvement from Paul’s treatments, specific results cannot be guaranteed or implied for everyone.

Paul’s approach involves customising treatments to meet the unique needs and conditions of each client, working closely with you to develop a personalised plan. Nonetheless, like all medical and therapeutic practices, acupuncture and Chinese medicine may not be suitable for everyone and may not always produce the desired outcomes.

Paul encourages you to consult with him to discuss your specific needs and expectations regarding neck pain treatment. Additionally, he advises consulting with your primary healthcare provider to ensure that acupuncture and Chinese medicine are appropriate for your particular situation.

Remember, the path to health and wellness is a highly individual journey. What works for one person may not work for another. Paul is here to support you on this journey, but specific outcomes cannot be promised.

Your trust and understanding are essential to Paul, and he is always available to address any questions or concerns you may have.