What is Morning Sickness?

Morning sickness is the term used to describe the symptoms of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Often it occurs first thing in the morning however the time of the symptoms can vary, lasting all day to waking with nausea at night.

Around half of all pregnant women will experience morning sickness. It is most common between the sixth and sixteenth weeks however some women will have morning sickness symptoms at the initial onset of pregnancy and other will experience it for the entire duration.

Why are you experiencing morning sickness?

  1. Hormones: During pregnancy there is a rapid increase in human Chrionic Gonadotropin (hCG) and oestrogen. Both hormones, particularly hCG contribute to nausea in pregnancy.
  2. Fatigue: it is thought that women that fall pregnant while fatigued have an increased risk of developing morning sickness. During pregnancy, fatigue can directly influence the intensity of morning sickness symptoms.
  3. Stress and Emotions: many women have found that as stress and emotional feelings increase, so does the morning sickness symptoms.

Acupuncture Morning Sickness Treatment

From an acupuncture and Chinese medicine perspective, morning sickness is described as rebellious energy moving upwards that needs to be subdued. This energy may be moving upwards causing morning sickness due to a variety of reasons which are uncovered in an acupuncture morning sickness treatment.

By observation of your tongue, feeling your pulse and asking questions, a Chinese medicine diagnosis is formed which will lead to the right acupuncture points, herbal medicine, dietary advise and lifestyle modifications that for thousands of years have been known to reduce morning sickness symptoms.

Acupuncture Morning Sickness Research

  1. Smith, C., Crowther, C. and Beilby, J. (2002a). Acupuncture to treat nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial. Birth 29, 1-9. Smith, C. Conclusion:?Acupuncture is an effective treatment for women who experience nausea and dry retching in early pregnancy. A time-related placebo effect was found for some women
  2. Crowther, C. and Beilby, J. (2002b). Pregnancy outcome following women’s participation in a randomised controlled trial of acupuncture to treat nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy. Complementary therapies in medicine 10, 78-83. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that no serious adverse effects arise from acupuncture administered in early pregnancy
  3. Carlsson, C. P. O., Axemo, P., Bodin, A., Carstensen, H., Ehrenroth, B., Madegård-Lind, I. and Navander, C. (2000). Manual Acupuncture Reduces Hyperemesis Gravidarum:: A Placebo-Controlled, Randomized, Single-Blind, Crossover Study. Journal of pain and symptom management 20, 273-279. Outcome: This study suggests that active PC6 acupuncture, in combination with standard treatment, could make women with hyperemesis gravidarum better faster than placebo acupuncture.

If You’re experiencing morning sickness and would like to try a natural alternative, book in for acupuncture today