Natural Constipation Treatment Melbourne

Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine are Effective Natural Constipation Treatments

[dropcap]M[/dropcap]any people struggle with constipation or incomplete bowel movements and are looking for natural solutions. The unfortunate things about many natural products is they are simply forcing a bowel motion without fixing the underlying problem. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine work differently to this.

There are many reasons you may be suffering from constipation. When you come for an acupuncture and Chinese medicine consultation we’ll look at your health from not only a physical perspective such as diet and lifestyle but your mental emotional stress levels that can impact organ health.

When we have a Chinese medicine diagnosis  you’ll receive an individualised treatment plan of acupuncture, herbs and lifestyle advise. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine is a gentle form of medicine that aims to treat the root cause of your health concerns and not just the symptoms.

If you have any questions about acupuncture and Chinese medicine as a natural constipation treatment or would like to discuss your appointment give me a call.

Book Online: Acupuncture South Melbourne